In the summer of 2021, a new technology area was inaugurated in Orsa Grönklitt. The Skillstrail course is a perfect way to try playful technique training, no matter what level you are at. The course does not require any prior knowledge, as you can make different choices in the course depending on the degree of difficulty you want!
The track itself, which is almost 400 meters long, winds through the forest along a machine-dug path. Here and there you are met by different site-built modules that you have to get past. The modules consist of different types of obstacles for balance training, curve training and challenged jump lines and you make the choices yourself during the course what degree of difficulty you want to take, easy, medium or difficult.
The course is located between the stadium and Rovdjursparken.
Orsa Grönklit Skillstrail
In our drop sections, you practice your skills when it comes to level differences and learn how to land softly after a little flight.
Being able to pump speed without pedaling is a basic skill one should master as a cyclist.
Jumping with a mountain bike can be tantalizing and nerve-wracking at first. Here you can train at several different levels.
Practice your skills on how to handle curves and more technical parts before you embark on our trails.